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News Board
Aug 2024: We are delighted to welcome our new members: Qizhi, Chang Hoong, Minh, and Yubin to our group!
July 2024: Congratulations to all on your convocation today! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and we couldn't be prouder of your achievements.
Jun 2024: Wonderful news! Lam's paper has been accepted by Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Congrats!
May 2024: Congratulations, Yong Xiang, on successfully defending your PhD! Dr. Leong, we are incredibly proud of you and wish you a bright future in your next career!
Mar 2024: Great news! Emily's paper has been published in Nature Communications. Congrats!
Mar 2024: Emily was awarded WiEST Development Grant 2024 and Imperial-TUM-NTU Global Fellows Programme 2024, congrats!
Feb 2024: Congratulations to Haoming on his mini review being published in CCS Chemistry.
Feb 2024: Emily 's paper has been published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition, congrats!
Feb 2024: Emily was awarded Singapore Data Science Consortium (SDSC) Research Dissertation Fellowship 2023, congrats!
Jan 2024: We welcome our new members: Li Ling, Guo Kang and Tu to our group!
Oct 2023: Xing Yi has been appointed the Editor-in-Chief of the ACS Applied Materials portfolio, a family of eight journals focusing on materials, interfaces, and their applications. She will assume the position in Jan 2024.
Sep 2023: We bid farewell to Shi Xuan as she heads to the frigid lands of Canada!
We celebrate her remarkable contributions and wish her continued success as she embarks on her MOE-START fellowship and post-doctoral journey in Toronto.
Sep 2023: Congratulations to Shi Xuan on the acceptance of their work in Angewandte Chemie International Edition!
Jul 2023: Xing Yi gave a talk at Fudan University (复旦大学光华化学论坛)
Jun 2023: Congrats to Emily on the GRC poster award!!!
May 2023: Congrats to Shi Xuan on the SNIC-Prof Lee Soo Ying Young Chemist Award 2023!!!
Feb 2023: Yong Xiang was awarded Singapore Data Science Consortium (SDSC) Research Dissertation Fellowship 2022, congrats!
Jun 2022: Wonderful news! Lam's paper has been accepted by Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Congrats!
Jan 2022: Our team's work on "Noninvasive and Point-of-Care Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)-Based Breathalyzer for Mass Screening of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) under 5 min" is now published in ACS Nano , congrats TracieX team!
Sep 2021: Shi Xuan won the iFlex Postgrad Award, congrats!
Sep 2021: Yong Xiang won the Best Poster Award at the Chemistry National Meeting 4 (ChnmSG4), congrats!
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